100 Unterschriften erreicht
An: Roger Federer

Deutsche Version 🇩🇪: https://RogerWachAuf.ch
Version française 🇫🇷: https://RogerReveilleToi.ch
Versione italiana 🇮🇹: https://RogerSvegliati.ch
Dear Roger Federer,
With these lines, we ask you:
- to learn about the catastrophe of the climate crisis and the major loss of biodiversity
- to call as firmly as possible on Credit Suisse to divest gas, coal and oil, both for projects and companies
- to withdraw your partnership with Credit Suisse if Credit Suisse decides not to listen to you...
Version française 🇫🇷: https://RogerReveilleToi.ch
Versione italiana 🇮🇹: https://RogerSvegliati.ch
Dear Roger Federer,
With these lines, we ask you:
- to learn about the catastrophe of the climate crisis and the major loss of biodiversity
- to call as firmly as possible on Credit Suisse to divest gas, coal and oil, both for projects and companies
- to withdraw your partnership with Credit Suisse if Credit Suisse decides not to listen to you...
Warum ist das wichtig?
Why Roger you should act now:
You are the most emblematic Swiss champion, a symbol of fair play and a responsible personality. As a loving parent, you are also involved in the education of children in Africa through a foundation that bears your name. When you speak out, you are usually listened to.
For several years now, you have been a partner of various brands and companies and have become an ambassador for them. One of them, Credit Suisse, is actively financing the climate chaos that is already directly affecting the lives of tens of millions of people, including the younger generations on the African continent.
IPCC scientists believe that if we really want to limit global warming to 1.5°C, we must free ourselves from dependence on fossil fuels as soon as possible. We must therefore no longer finance companies that extract, transform, buy or sell coal, oil or gas. The UN Secretary General is right to say that we are facing an "existential threat" and that we absolutely must act now.
Credit Suisse is the Swiss banking institution most involved with fossil fuels. Between 2016 and 2017, following the signing of the Paris Agreement, it increased its investment in coal by a factor of 16.
Between 2015 and 2017, the bank made USD 7.8 billion available to 47 companies exploiting so-called extreme fossil fuels (shale gas, coal, oil sands, deepwater drilling, Arctic).
For several years now, various collectives and organisations have asked it to disinvest. Especially since other public and private financial institutions have decided to do so. BNP has announced that it will exit shale gas and oil sands in 2017. The Rockefeller Fund, the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund, the World Bank and very recently the European Investment Bank announced that they would no longer finance fossil fuels.
Credit Suisse has just taken a small step in the right direction by announcing that it will no longer finance coal-fired power plants.
It is beginning to understand but would have to go much further to become responsible and no longer finance the serious crisis that is unfolding.
We would like you to become a "climate champion" by pushing it to finally listen to the science and decide on a major change.
Its small step shows it can move, but such a step is not enough to forstall the disaster. Credit Suisse lacks the courage you can give them.
Thank you for your efforts for our common future.
You are the most emblematic Swiss champion, a symbol of fair play and a responsible personality. As a loving parent, you are also involved in the education of children in Africa through a foundation that bears your name. When you speak out, you are usually listened to.
For several years now, you have been a partner of various brands and companies and have become an ambassador for them. One of them, Credit Suisse, is actively financing the climate chaos that is already directly affecting the lives of tens of millions of people, including the younger generations on the African continent.
IPCC scientists believe that if we really want to limit global warming to 1.5°C, we must free ourselves from dependence on fossil fuels as soon as possible. We must therefore no longer finance companies that extract, transform, buy or sell coal, oil or gas. The UN Secretary General is right to say that we are facing an "existential threat" and that we absolutely must act now.
Credit Suisse is the Swiss banking institution most involved with fossil fuels. Between 2016 and 2017, following the signing of the Paris Agreement, it increased its investment in coal by a factor of 16.
Between 2015 and 2017, the bank made USD 7.8 billion available to 47 companies exploiting so-called extreme fossil fuels (shale gas, coal, oil sands, deepwater drilling, Arctic).
For several years now, various collectives and organisations have asked it to disinvest. Especially since other public and private financial institutions have decided to do so. BNP has announced that it will exit shale gas and oil sands in 2017. The Rockefeller Fund, the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund, the World Bank and very recently the European Investment Bank announced that they would no longer finance fossil fuels.
Credit Suisse has just taken a small step in the right direction by announcing that it will no longer finance coal-fired power plants.
It is beginning to understand but would have to go much further to become responsible and no longer finance the serious crisis that is unfolding.
We would like you to become a "climate champion" by pushing it to finally listen to the science and decide on a major change.
Its small step shows it can move, but such a step is not enough to forstall the disaster. Credit Suisse lacks the courage you can give them.
Thank you for your efforts for our common future.